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ISSUE Wireless Setup for CSCC Secure Wireless Network Android ENVIRONMENT CSCC Wireless Android RESOLUTION Note: If you have previously connected your Android device to CSCC Wireless Network, you may need to remove previous connections to successfully connect to the current CSCC Secure Wireless Network. To remove all traces of CSCC Wireless from your Android device 1.
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- Wireless Setup For Cscc Secure Wireless Network For Mac
- Wireless Setup For Cscc Secure Wireless Network For Mac Windows 10
Click the Menu Button on your phone and select Settings. Select Wireless & networks. Ensure that Wi-Fi is turned on by making sure that there the checkmark is active to the right of 'Wi-Fi' 4. Select Wi-fi settings.
Aug 15, 2017 - ISSUE. Wireless Setup for CSCC Secure Wireless Network. CSCC Wireless. Network Security Controls. You may guard your corporate wireless network from unauthorised access by controlling who gets to access it and ensuring that the data is transmitted securely. Authentication By implementing Media Access Control (MAC) address filtering, you get to control which device may connect to your corporate network. In this video from benjamoon we learn how to secure a linksys wifi network from a Mac. First type in your IP address in your browser bar which is then press enter. If it asks for a password it is admin. Click on Wireless and here you can edit your name and who can access your wifi network. Under wireless security, go to WPA personal from the drop down menu.
Press and hold any instances of CSCC. Select Forget network from the menu that comes up. At this point, all instances of CSCC Wireless should be removed from your Android device To configure CSCC Wireless for Android Devices 1. Click the Menu Button on your phone and select Settings.
Select Wireless & networks. Ensure that Wi-Fi is turned on by making sure that there the checkmark is active to the right of 'Wi-Fi' 4. Select Wi-fi settings. You should now see a list of available wireless networks.
Wireless Setup For Cscc Secure Wireless Network For Mac Download
If you see CSCC, select this to open up the configuration screen. If you do not see CSCC, scroll to the bottom of the list, select Add Wi-Fi network, and follow these steps: 1.
For Network SSID type in CSCC 2. For Security select 802.1x EAP 3.
Continue to follow the steps below 6. In the pull-down menu for EAP method, select PEAP. In the Phase 2 authentication pull-down menu, select MSCHAPV2. In the Identity (Username) field, enter your CSCC Username.
Wireless Setup For Cscc Secure Wireless Network For Mac
In the Password field, enter your CSCC password. Select Connect.
Note: If you selected Add Wi-Fi network earlier, you will see the option Save instead of Connect 11. You will now be taken back to the wireless networks list. If you are within range of the CSCC Wireless network, you will see the status message 'Connected' under the entry for “CSCC” 12. If your device/OS has an option to 'Remember my Credentials' or similar, check this option to reconnect to CSCC Secure Wireless when in range. CAUSE N/A METADATA Author: Christopher Bunner Create Date: 0815 1/29/2015 Modified Date: 0706 2/2/2015.
ISSUE How to Set Up Email on an Android device ENVIRONMENT Android devices CSCC Email RESOLUTION. From the APPLICATIONS menu, select EMAIL (please note: in some versions of the Android OS this application may be called MAIL). Now select your menu button and select ' Add Account'. Select EXCHANGE account (please note: in some versions of the Android OS this option may be named EXCHANGE ACTIVESYNC) or ( Corporate Sync). Type your full college email address and then select NEXT (for example: or ). If the Auto discover works, the phone will ask what you want to sync.
If so, go to step 7. If the phone asks for a server address, continue with step 4. Select EXCHANGE account (please note: in some versions of the Android OS this option may be named EXCHANGE ACTIVESYNC) or ( Corporate Sync). For the DOMAIN/USERNAME field type in your full college email address.
If DOMAIN/USERNAME are a separate text boxes, leave the DOMAIN box empty and type your full email address in the USERNAME text box. In the PASSWORD text box enter your password. In the EXCHANGE SERVER text box type in “ outlook.office365.com” You must also scroll down to the username box and make sure it shows 'username@ student.cscc.edu' or 'username@cscc.edu' If it shows just 'username' then add '@student.cscc.edu' or '@cscc.edu' then select NEXT.
As soon as your phone verifies the settings, the ACCOUNT OPTIONS screen displays. Some of the options that may display include the following:. EMAIL CHECKING FREQUENCY - The default value is AUTOMATIC(PUSH). When you select this option, email messages will be sent to your phone as they arrive. We recommend only selecting this option if you have an unlimited data plan. AMOUNT TO SYNCHRONIZE - This is the amount of mail you want to keep on your mobile phone.
You can choose from several length options, including One day, Three days, and One week. NOTIFY ME WHEN EMAIL ARRIVES - If you select this option, your mobile phone will notify you when you receive a new email message. SYNC CONTACTS FROM THIS ACCOUNT - If you select this option, your contacts will be synchronized between your phone and your account.
Wireless Setup For Cscc Secure Wireless Network For Mac Windows 10
Select NEXT and then type a name for this account and the name you want displayed when you send email to others. Select DONE to complete the email setup and start using your account. CAUSE N/A METADATA Author: Christopher Bunner Create Date: November 6, 2015 0700 Modified Date: November 6, 2015 0700.